Project Task Attributes Table

The following table can help you understand the function of project task record fields by explaining how some fields work differently at different stages of the life of the project.

For each of the project task fields below, a description is specified for how the field functions at the following stages:

Task Field Name

Field Data Function

Start Date


Before Baseline

The estimated date that the project task will begin. This date can be changed at this stage, but doing so can have major repercussions. Dependent task start and end dates may be impacted for Fixed Start constraint tasks. Otherwise, this date is based on other task dependencies and work.

After Baseline

The estimated date that the project task will begin. If this date is changed (or any dependent tasks are changed in a way that impacts this date) after the baseline is set, this date is still only an estimate and will not change the baseline date for which variance will be recorded.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the Start Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Active Project Stage

The actual date the project task started. After time is entered against the task, this field is set to the date of the first actual time entry against the task.

Project Task Completion

The actual date the project task started. After time is entered against the task, this field is set to the date of the first actual time entry against the task.

Baseline Start Date


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The value in the Start Date field when the baseline is set. Start date variance will be recorded against this field.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the Start Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Active Project Stage

The value in the Start Date field when the baseline is set. Start date variance will be recorded against this field.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the start date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Project Task Completion

The value in the Start Date field when the baseline is set. Start date variance will be recorded against this field.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the Start Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Start Date Variance


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The difference between the Baseline Start Date and the estimated Start Date.

Active Project Stage

The difference between the Baseline Start Date and the estimated Start Date.

Project Task Completion

The difference between the Baseline Start Date and the estimated Start Date.

End Date


Before Baseline

The estimated end date for a project task. This date is derived from the estimated work and other task dependencies.

After Baseline

The estimated end date for a task. This date can be changed only by changing one of the following:

  • the amount of work

  • resources assigned

  • dependency relationships for a certain task

  • changing other tasks that have dependencies with this task

Active Project Stage

The estimated end date for a project task. This date can be changed only by changing one of the following:

  • the amount of work

  • resources assigned

  • dependency relationships for a certain task

  • changing other tasks that have dependencies with this task

Project Task Completion

After the project task is explicitly marked complete, the end date becomes the actual end date of the task.

This is determined by using the date of the last time entry entered against the project task. Then, the project task no longer appears as an option in time entry forms.

Baseline End Date


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The date showing in the End Date field when the baseline is set becomes the Baseline End Date. All end date variance is recorded against this date.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the End Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Active Project Stage

The date showing in the End Date field when the baseline is set becomes the Baseline End Date. All end date variance is recorded against this date.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the End Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Project Task Completion

The date showing in the End Date field when the baseline is set becomes the Baseline End Date. All end date variance is recorded against this date.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the End Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

End Date Variance


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The difference between the baseline end date and the estimated end date.

Active Project Stage

The difference between the baseline end date and the estimated end date.

Project Task Completion

The difference between the baseline end date and the actual end date.

Estimated Work


Before Baseline

The estimated amount of work for a project task. This amount can be changed at this stage, but doing so can have major repercussions. Dependent task start and end dates may be impacted.

After Baseline

The estimated amount of work for a project task. If this amount is changed after the baseline is set, it is still only an estimate, but the baseline work is still recorded for variance purposes.

Note: If for any reason a new baseline is set, the value in the Start Date field will replace this value and all historical information will be lost.

Active Project Stage

The estimated amount of work for a project task. If this amount is changed after task work has started, it affects the entire project schedule, such as dates for other tasks and variances.

Project Task Completion

After a project task is marked complete, the value in this field is set to the sum of all time entries entered against the task.

Actual Work


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until time has been entered against a scheduled project task.

After Baseline

This field does not have a value until time has been entered against a scheduled project task.

Active Project Stage

The actual time entered against a scheduled project task.

Project Task Completion

The actual time entered against a scheduled project task.

Baseline Work


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The value in the Estimated Work field at the time the baseline is set.

Active Project Stage

The value in the Estimated Work field at the time the baseline is set.

Project Task Completion

The value in the Estimated Work field at the time the baseline is set.

Remaining Work


Before Baseline

The estimated work minus the actual work. Until the task has started, this is equal to estimated work.

After Baseline

The estimated work minus the actual work. Until the task has started, this is equal to estimated work

Active Project Stage

The estimated work minus the actual work.

Project Task Completion

After a task is marked complete, this is always 0.

Work Variance


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The difference between the baseline work and the estimated work.

Active Project Stage

The difference between the baseline work and the estimated work. Note: This amount does not dynamically update based on the amount of work complete, it is the overall task estimate.

Project Task Completion

The difference between the estimated work and the actual work.

Percent Complete


Before Baseline

N/A – Actual Work / Estimated Work = 0

After Baseline

N/A – Actual Work / Estimated Work = 0

Active Project Stage

Actual Work / Estimated Work

Project Task Completion

After a task is marked complete, this is always 100%

Estimated Cost


Before Baseline

The estimated cost of the labor associated with a task. This has a value only after work has been assigned and resources have been assigned to a certain task.

After Baseline

The estimated cost of the labor associated with a task. Changing the amount of work or the resources assigned will affect this value.

Active Project Stage

The estimated cost of the labor associated with a task. Changing the amount of work or the resources assigned will affect this value.

Project Task Completion

The estimated cost of the labor associated with a task. Changing the amount of work or the resources assigned will affect this value.

Actual Cost


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until time has been entered against a scheduled task.

After Baseline

This field does not have a value until time has been entered against a scheduled task.

Active Project Stage

The actual cost of the time entered against the task.

Project Task Completion

The actual cost of the time entered against the task.

Baseline Cost


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The estimated cost of the labor resources * the estimated work assigned to a task.

Active Project Stage

The estimated cost of the labor resources * the estimated work assigned to a task.

Project Task Completion

The actual cost of the labor resources * the actual work completed on a task.

Estimated Cost Variance


Before Baseline

This field does not have a value until a baseline is saved.

After Baseline

The difference between the baseline cost and the estimated cost.

Active Project Stage

The difference between the baseline cost and the estimated cost.

Project Task Completion

The difference between the baseline cost and the actual cost of the completed task.

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