Billing Schedule

This record enables you to create a billing schedule that can be applied to a sales order, a line item on a sales order, or a project. SuiteScript supports all five types of billing schedules (charge-based, fixed bid interval, fixed bid milestone, standard, and time and materials).

The internal ID for this record is billingschedule.

To use the billing schedule record, you must enable the Advanced Billing feature, at Setup > Company > Enable Features, on the Transactions subtab. In the UI, you access this record at Lists > Accounting > Billing Schedules > New. You can access a billing schedule of fixed bid milestone type through the project record’s Financial tab.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Billing Schedules.

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

Supported Script Types

Billing Schedule is scriptable in server SuiteScript only.

Both beforeSubmit, and afterSubmit user events are supported.

Supported Functions

This record is fully scriptable, which means that the record can be created, updated, copied, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript.

Usage Notes

Additionally, note the following:

Code Samples

The following samples show how to create different types of billing schedules.

Creating a Charge-Based Billing Schedule

The following sample shows how to create a charge-based billing schedule.

          var SCHEDULE_TYPE = 'CB'; //Charge-Based 
var recName = SCHEDULE_TYPE + 'record';

var initValues = new Array();
initValues.schedtype = SCHEDULE_TYPE;

//Create record
var myBillingSched = record.create({
    type: record.Type.BILLING_SCHEDULE,
    defaultValues: {
        'schedtype': SCHEDULE_TYPE
    fieldId: 'externalid',
    value: 'EXTID001'
    fieldId: 'name',
    value: recName
    fieldId: 'frequency',
    value: 'DAILY'
    fieldId: 'dayperiod',
    value: '3'
var recId =; 


Creating a Fixed Bid Milestone Billing Schedule

The following sample shows how to create a billing schedule of fixed bid milestone type. Note that this sample references a particular project record during the creation of the billing schedule. However, you still have to establish the relationship between the billing schedule and the project as a separate step.

          var SCHEDULE_TYPE = 'FBM'; // Fixed Bid, Milestone
var P1 = '117';     // Project1
var P1M1 = '112';   // Project1 - Milestone1
var P1M2 = '113';   // Project2 - Milestone2

var recId = null;
var recName = SCHEDULE_TYPE + " record";        

var initValues = new Array();      
initValues.schedtype = SCHEDULE_TYPE;  
initValues.project = P1;

//Create record
var myBillingSched = record.create({
    type: record.Type.BILLING_SCHEDULE,
    isDynamic: true,
    defaultValues: initValues
    fieldId: 'name',
    value: recName
    fieldId: 'initialamount',
    value: '10'    // 10%

//Create the sublist
    sublistId: 'milestone'
    sublistId: 'milestone',
    fieldId: 'milestoneamount',
    value: '25'    // 25%
    sublistId: 'milestone',
    fieldId: 'milestonedate',
    value: new Date('November 21, 2013')
    sublistId: 'milestone',
    fieldId: 'projecttask',
    value: P1M1
    sublistId: 'milestone'
recId =;

//Update the project (link it with the newly created Billing Schedule)
var project = record.load({
    type: record.Type.JOB,
    id: P1
    fieldId: 'jobbillingtype',
    value: SCHEDULE_TYPE
    fieldId: 'billingschedule',
    value: recId
var pId =; 


Related Topics

General Notices