Referenced Objects in Customization Bundles

For most objects, the Bundle Builder automatically adds all referenced objects when you add the object to a bundle. However, the Bundle Builder does not automatically include referenced objects for all object types. If a referenced object can be included in a bundle and the Bundle Builder does not automatically add the referenced object, you must manually add it.

Refer to the following sections for more information about the referenced objects that are automatically added to a bundle and the referenced objects that are not automatically included.


The effect of not adding the referenced objects depends on the type of object. Some referenced objects are not included because they cannot be included in bundles. Other objects can have the reference to the object nulled out in the target account or use objects present in the target account. For objects like custom forms, reports, and saved searches, you must include the referenced objects for the object to function correctly in the target account. For more information, see Objects Not Automatically Included In Customization Bundles.

Objects Automatically Included In Customization Bundles

The following table lists objects that you can select in the Bundle Builder and the referenced objects that are automatically included.


If SuiteBundler adds a referenced object to a bundle, you can view the referenced object on the Set Preferences page in the Bundle Builder. For more information, see Step 4 Set Preferences.

Object Selected in Bundle Builder

Referenced Objects Included

Referenced Objects Description

Custom Field

Customized Object

Any object in an account that is referenced by a custom field and has an object type that can be bundled.

For example, you create a custom field that references a saved search and include the custom field in a bundle. The saved search is also included in the bundle.

Custom Financial Statement


Custom layout associated with a custom financial statement.

For more information, see Bundling NetSuite Financial Statements.

Custom Record Type

Custom Online Form

Online custom record entry forms for the custom record type.


Center Tab

Custom Record Type

Saved Search

Script File


Other referenced objects may also be included.

Any bundleable objects referenced by the dashboard are included. These may include scripts, saved searches, or custom records used for dashboard portlet display.

Online Form

Auto-reply Email Template

Form Logo

HTML Online Form Template

Files referenced by the online form. If the installer of the bundle does not want to use the files, the online form must be updated after installation.

Saved Custom Record Search

Custom Field

Custom Record Type

Custom record type on which the search is based and all custom fields created for that record type.

Saved Search

Custom Transaction

If a saved search is filtered by a custom transaction type value, the custom transaction type is included in the bundle automatically.

Script Deployment

Custom Role

Custom roles included in the audience for the script deployment.

SuiteScript Record

Script File

Script file for the SuiteScript record.


If you lock the SuiteScript record in the bundle, NetSuite does not automatically lock the script file in the target account. The script file must be manually locked in the target account.

SuiteSignOn Outbound Connection Object

Custom Field

Custom Subtab

Portlet Script

Custom subtabs and portlet scripts defined as connection points and custom fields defined as user identification.


Custom Field

Custom Role

Custom roles referenced by the workflow and custom fields referenced by the workflow.

Objects Not Automatically Included In Customization Bundles

The following table lists objects that you can select in the Bundle Builder, the referenced objects that must be manually added, and the effect of not including the referenced object in the bundle. In some cases, the referenced object cannot be included and the object that you include must be edited in the target account after you install the bundle.

Object Selected in Bundle Builder

Referenced Objects Not Included

Referenced Objects Description

CSV Import Map

Custom Role

Custom roles included in the audience for a CSV import map.

Custom Field

Customized Object

Any object in an account that is referenced by a custom field and has an object type that cannot be bundled. For example, entities, items, transactions, or objects in a list, like Employee Type, cannot be bundled.

If a custom field references this type of object, the reference is nulled out in the target account.

Edit the custom field in the target account and recreate the reference after you install the bundle.

Custom Field

Standard List

Any standard list object referenced by a custom field, for example, Approval Status.

Because the data in standard lists are the same in every account, installing the bundle only copies the list data from the bundle to the target account. The list object itself is not included in the bundle.

You do not need to take any action after you install the bundle.

Custom Form

Custom Field

Custom Tab

Custom objects on a custom form.

You must manually add any custom object referenced in a custom form to the bundle. Otherwise, the custom form may appear incorrectly in the target account.

Custom Report

Custom Role

Custom role included in the audience for a custom report.

You must manually add any custom role included in the for the audience of a report to the bundle. Otherwise, the report may not be available to the intended audience.


Custom Record

If a role contains permissions for a custom record type, the corresponding custom record type is not included in the bundle.

You must manually add the custom record to the bundle. Otherwise, the custom role will contain permission for a record type that does not exist in the target account.

Subsidiaries selected for a role in a OneWorld source account are not included with the bundled role, because subsidiaries are specific to accounts.

Saved Search

Custom Field

If a formula in a saved search references a custom field, the custom field is not included in the bundle.

You must manually add any custom field referenced by a formula in a saved search. Otherwise, the saved search may not function correctly.

SuiteSignOn Outbound Connection Object

Custom Field

Custom field referenced as an integration variable in a SuiteSignOn outbound connection object.

You must manually add any custom field referenced by the SuiteSignOn outbound connection object. Otherwise, the custom field will not exist in the target account and the single sign-on integration between NetSuite and the external application fails.

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General Notices