SuiteApp Installation and Update

If you are the administrator of a NetSuite account or you have the SuiteApp Marketplace permission, you can install any public bundle, as well as any bundle that has been shared with your account.

Before you can install a bundle, you need to find it in a NetSuite source account. See Bundle Searches Overview for a description of bundle search capabilities. See Installing a Bundle for an overview of the installation process. See Choosing a Bundle to Install for instructions for finding and installing a bundle in your account.


Some SuiteApp bundles are available on the SuiteApp Marketplace. For more information, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace and SuiteApp Marketplace.

The Installed Bundles page provides details about all of the bundles currently installed in an account, and an action menu. See Reviewing the Installed Bundles List.

When a new version becomes available for a bundle that you have installed, you can update that bundle from a link on the Installed Bundles page. When you update a customization bundle, new bundled objects are added to your account, and updates to bundled objects are copied to your account. When you update a configuration bundle, changes to bundled configuration settings are copied to your account. See Installed Bundle Updates for instructions for updating an installed bundle.

When you install a bundle that is a managed bundle, you consent to automatic bundle updates pushed by the solution provider. See Using Managed Bundles.

If after installing a customization bundle you decide you do not want the bundle, you can uninstall it from a link on the Installed Bundles page. You cannot uninstall a configuration bundle. For more information, see Uninstalling a Bundle.

SuiteBundler provides options during bundle installations and updates for handling any customization bundle objects that conflict with existing target account objects, meaning they have the same names or script IDs. See Resolving Conflicting Objects.

The Bundle Audit Trail page provides tracking of bundle installations, updates, and uninstalls on the account level. The Audit Trail subtab of the Bundle Details page provides this tracking on a per-bundle level. See Viewing the Bundle Audit Trail.


Bundles are also known as SuiteApps.


You can use SuiteScript to get information about installed bundles and SuiteApps. For more information, see N/suiteAppInfo Module.

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