SuiteApps and Sandbox Accounts

NetSuite sandbox accounts provide areas for the development and testing of bundles without disrupting day-to-day business activities in your NetSuite production account. You can use one or more sandbox accounts for development and testing of your own bundles as well as for testing bundles from external sources such as independent software vendors (ISVs).

Sandbox accounts provide:

For general information about using sandbox accounts, see NetSuite Sandbox. The NetSuite Development account is an alternative to using Sandbox. For details, see The Development Account, NetSuite Development Accounts, and the SuiteApp Development Process with SuiteBundler.


Support for bundle operations varies across the different types of NetSuite accounts, including sandbox accounts. See Bundle Support Across Account Types.

Sandbox Bundle Deployment Models

Review the following for brief descriptions of sandbox bundle deployment models:

Limitations for Bundles in Sandbox Accounts

Some features are limited in their functionality in sandbox accounts, particularly features related to payroll and credit card processing. When you are developing or testing bundles, it is important that you account for these limitations in the sandbox account. For a complete list of limitations, see Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox.

Also, be aware of the following:


Users are strongly cautioned NOT to rebundle objects that are installed in sandbox from other bundles. If such objects are rebundled, users are also cautioned not to install these bundles in production. Installing bundles with rebundled sandbox objects in a production account has a particularly detrimental impact on SuiteApps, including managed bundles from NetSuite or partner-bundled solutions. These production rebundles can result in an unexpected state of the bundle and account data, and actions to resolve such a state may result in data loss. Users can reduce the risk of such rebundling unintentionally occurring by avoiding the use of the Bundle All option. Manually selecting components ensures that all components are not added by default.

Specialized Features for Sandbox Bundle Development

Sandbox bundle development involves issues that you do not encounter for bundles installed from an external (ISV) account into your production account. Because your sandbox account is a copy of your production account, the objects included in a bundle created in sandbox are likely to also exist in production. Because of this copying, bundle updates from sandbox to production usually involve significantly more object conflicts than updates of ISV bundles. Refreshes of a sandbox account can result in overwriting of bundle objects and loss of data, due to changes made to bundle objects in production. See Sandbox Refresh Impact on Bundles.

SuiteBundler includes the following features that address unique issues for bundles developed in sandbox accounts:

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General Notices