Refreshing Sandbox Accounts

Each of your sandbox accounts can be refreshed from your production account upon your request.


If you are on a Premium, Enterprise, or Ultimate service tier, you can refresh each of your sandbox accounts from either your production account or another sandbox account.

The account where the data is copied from is referred to as the source account. Refreshing a sandbox account copies all configurations, data, user passwords, and customizations from the source account into the target sandbox account. Any changes you have made to the target sandbox account are overwritten.

Accounts are not taken offline when a refresh is requested.

Users can use the sandbox account while a new copy is being prepared. Before you activate the new sandbox, make sure you save any sandbox customization changes that have occurred since the refresh request. These changes must be saved outside of the sandbox account so that they are available to be added to the new sandbox after activation. Administrators receive an email notification that the refreshed sandbox is available to be activated. An administrator can activate this new sandbox by clicking a button on the Sandbox Accounts page. When the new copy of the sandbox account is activated, the previous version is deleted. All old data is replaced with new account data copied from the source account.

For more details, see Requesting a Refresh.

Preserving Sandbox Changes

You need to ensure that users of your sandbox account understand that any changes they make to a sandbox account after a refresh request is made are not included in the new sandbox. When a new sandbox is activated, these changes, including any edits to custom objects, are overwritten with the data from the chosen source account.

SDF users can save all sandbox customization changes to SuiteCloud projects before the activation of the new sandbox. After activation, the updated SuiteCloud project can be deployed to the new sandbox.

If SDF is not in use, users must save sandbox customization changes in another manner so that these changes are available to be added to the new sandbox account after activation.

For more details, see Sandbox Refresh Impact on Bundles.

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