Setting Preferences for Sandbox Email

When you use a sandbox account, anyone with the Administrator role can set a preference for delivery of email messages from the sandbox account. The Send Email To option is suggested. You can enter specific email addresses (separated by commas) giving you complete control over exactly who receives email messages from your sandbox.

For example, if you are testing marketing campaigns in your sandbox account, you might not want customers to receive email messages generated by those campaigns until they have been finalized and rolled out in your production account. You might want email messages from your sandbox account delivered only to yourself, or to the people in your organization who are responsible for designing the new campaigns. You might want to ensure email messages generated from sandbox web stores are not delivered to recipients outside your organization. In all these cases, choose the Send Email To option.


Email messages generated from sandbox web stores will not be sent to the user logged in to the NetSuite UI. For example, an order notification email message would be sent to the shopper’s email address, not the logged in user’s email address. To prevent this, choose the Send Email To option.

There are exceptions to the email routing rules you specify. Security-sensitive emails will be always sent to the owner of the email address. For example, password reset emails do not obey preferences that override routing rules.

Examples of security-sensitive emails include:

Set preferences for sandbox email delivery in your production account on the Email Preferences page.

To set email delivery preferences for all sandbox accounts:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite production account.

  2. Go to Setup > Company > Email > Email Preferences.

  3. Choose your preference on the Sandbox and Release Preview subtab. Under Sandbox Options, choose from the following:



    Send Email To (Suggested)

    Choose this option to ensure email messages are delivered to specific addresses.

    • Enter the email address or email addresses to which to deliver email messages. Separate each email address entered with a comma.

    • Choose this option when testing your web store in your sandbox. This option ensures web store generated email messages are routed to the desired recipient.

    Send Email to Logged In User

    Choose this option to route email messages to the user logged in to the NetSuite UI.

    If you select this option, be aware of the following behaviors:

    • Email messages initiated by an error in a scheduled script follow the notification settings in the script record.

    • Email messages generated from web stores will not be sent to the user logged in to the NetSuite UI. For example, an order notification email message would be sent to the shopper’s email address, not the logged in user’s email address. To prevent this, choose the Send Email To option instead.

    • Email messages sent from an external email client will not be sent to the user logged in to the NetSuite UI. For example, a reply email message would not be sent to the logged in user’s email address. To prevent this, choose the Send Email To option instead.

    Do Not Send Emails

    Choose this option if you do not want any email messages sent.

  4. Click Save.

  5. On the Sandbox Accounts page, click Copy Data to Sandbox (or Refresh Sandbox). Your email delivery preferences are applied to all your sandbox accounts.


During the upgrade period for a new release of NetSuite, please pay attention to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins. See Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

After your sandbox account has been refreshed, you can log in to modify your email preferences directly on the sandbox account. This way, if you use multiple sandbox accounts, you can set different preferences for email delivery in each account. Go to Setup > Company > Email Preferences in your sandbox account and click the Email Options subtab.


Upon refresh, the settings in your sandbox accounts always revert to the sandbox email preferences you set in your production account.

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