Creating a Bundle with the Bundle Builder

You can use the Bundle Builder to create bundles. Bundles are packages of customization or configuration objects that can be installed in other NetSuite accounts. The Bundle Builder is available at Setup > Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle if the SuiteBundler feature is enabled in your account and you have the SuiteApp Marketplace permission.


Before you can create a bundle, an administrator must enable the Create Bundles With SuiteBundler feature at Setup > Company > Enable Features.

Use the following information to create a bundle in the Bundle Builder:



Step 1 Bundle Basics

Enter basic definitions for the bundle.

Step 2 Bundle Properties

Enter optional descriptive information that helps users to understand the purpose of the bundle and helps them to find the bundle when they search for it.

Step 3 Select Objects

Select the objects to be included in the bundle.

Step 4 Set Preferences

Review the bundle objects, including objects you select and any objects they reference, and save the bundle.

For customization bundles, set preferences for objects to be applied during bundle installation and update. You can also lock some types of objects so that target account users cannot make changes to them.

Finish the Bundle Builder

Set up sharing or review a list of all saved bundles.

If the Managed Bundles feature is enabled in your account, you can create managed bundles. With this type of bundle, you determine when to update target accounts with new versions of the bundle. See Managed Bundles Overview.

To begin creating a Bundle Builder, continue to Step 1 Bundle Basics.

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