Sending and Printing Dunning Letters

You can choose to send dunning letters either automatically or manually.

You can also choose to either email or print letters for a customer, or send both email and printed letters to a customer. The system produces the letters in the customer’s language as defined on the customer record, if a dunning template in that language exists. Otherwise, the system uses the default template defined on the dunning template record.

You can choose to enable or disable the sending of individual notifications through email or printed letters for grouped invoices.

The system generates dunning letters according to the dunning evaluation results. The letter template that the system uses depends on the dunning level of the customer, invoice or invoice group after dunning evaluation.

The dunning manager assigned to the customer, invoice or invoice group can manually print or email dunning letters using the Dunning Email Sending Queue and the Dunning PDF Printing Queue. The dunning manager’s name also appears as the sender of the dunning letter.

The Dunning Email Sending Queue shows customers, invoices and invoice groups that have dunning procedures with the Sending Schedule field set to Manual.

The Dunning PDF Printing Queue shows customers, invoices and invoice groups that have dunning procedures with the Sending Schedule field set to either Manual or Automatic.

If there are multiple recipients for a customer, a single record will be available from which you can view the detailed record. In the detailed record, the first five recipients will be displayed. Remaining recipients and the email cc and bcc details can be viewed from Dunning Evaluation Result record.

For more information about sending dunning letters, read the following topics:

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General Notices