Managing Dunning

If you are using a Dunning Manager or A/R Clerk role, you can manage the dunning process only for customers, invoices and invoice groups to which you are the assigned dunning manager. The Dunning Director, Accountant, and Administrator roles do not have such restrictions.

For information about the functionality allowed for each dunning role, see the following topics:

To help you manage dunning, you can keep track of the current dunning status of accounts by using the Dunning dashboard. You can also use the Dunning dashboard to send letters manually to customers, and to print dunning letters.

You can pause dunning if you want to address a customer’s queries regarding an invoice, or to permit additional time for payment to be received before sending another letter. You can resume dunning to allow the system to run the dunning evaluation workflow. All automated and manual actions concerning the dunning process are tracked in the system notes.

For more information, read the following topics:

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General Notices