Installing the Latest Driver on Linux

Before you install or upgrade the Connect driver, ensure that you meet the installation prerequisites. For more information, see Installation Prerequisites.

To install the latest driver on Linux, follow these steps.

To install the latest driver on Linux:

  1. In the Settings portlet on your NetSuite home page, click Set Up SuiteAnalytics Connect. If the download link is not displayed, you need to enable the Connect Service. For more information, see Enabling the Connect Service Feature.

  2. In the upper left corner, select your platform.

  3. Click the Download button next to the ODBC Driver.

  4. Agree to the terms of service to be able to start the download. You cannot download the driver archive unless you agree to the terms of service.

  5. Save the installation .zip file to your computer.

  6. In the location where you downloaded the .zip file, extract the .zip file.


    Ensure that the TrustStore parameter in your connection string includes a path to the ca3.cer certificate. For more information, see Configuring the ODBC Data Source on Linux and Connecting Using a Connection String.

  7. Create a new installation directory with the following path:


    If you prefer to install the driver to another location, see Installing a Driver for Linux into an Alternate Directory for more information.

  8. Copy the extracted installation files to the installation directory.

  9. Set up the DSN entries. For information, see Configuring the ODBC Data Source on Linux.

  10. Verify the ODBC driver installation. See Verifying the ODBC Driver Installation on Linux.

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