Adding a Book Specific Journal Entry

The following example shows how to create a book specific journal entry record that has two sublist lines.

Note that with this type of journal entry, you should not set a value for the currency field. There is only one valid currency for a book specific journal entry. The system automatically populates this field. The value is based on the values you choose for the journal entry’s subsidiary and accounting book fields.


          private void addBookSpecificJournalEntry()

      JournalEntry newJournalEntry = new JournalEntry();
      newJournalEntry.externalId = "105A";

      RecordRef mySubsidiary = new RecordRef();
      mySubsidiary.internalId = "10";
      newJournalEntry.subsidiary = mySubsidiary;

      RecordRef myAccountingBook = new RecordRef();
      myAccountingBook.internalId = "2";
      newJournalEntry.accountingBook = myAccountingBook;
      RecordRef myDebitAccount = new RecordRef();
      myDebitAccount.internalId = "214";

      RecordRef myCreditAccount = new RecordRef();
      myCreditAccount.internalId = "215";

      newJournalEntry.lineList = new JournalEntryLineList();
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line = new JournalEntryLine[2];

      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[0] = new JournalEntryLine();
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[0].account = myDebitAccount;
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[0].debit = 21000;
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[0].debitSpecified = true;

      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[1] = new JournalEntryLine();
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[1].account = myCreditAccount;
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[1].credit = 21000;
      newJournalEntry.lineList.line[1].creditSpecified = true;




SOAP Request

   <add xmlns="">
      <record externalId="105A" xsi:type="q1:JournalEntry" xmlns:q1="">
         <q1:accountingBook internalId="2"/>
         <q1:subsidiary internalId="10"/>
               <q1:account internalId="214"/>
               <q1:account internalId="215"/>


SOAP Response

   <addResponse xmlns="">
         <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
         <baseRef xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" type="journalEntry" externalId="105A" internalId="18" xmlns:platformCore=""/>


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Journal Entry Supported Operations
Journal Entry Body and Sublist Fields
Journal Entry Code Samples
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Journal Entry
Planning for Multi-Book Accounting
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Journal Entries
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SOAP Schema Browser
SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Overview

General Notices