Best Practices for OSS

If your company is registered for the EU One Stop Shop (OSS) VAT scheme, do the following:

  1. Enable the OSS feature in your NetSuite account. See Enabling the OSS Feature.

  2. Identify the service items that are subject to OSS VAT. Goods are automatically subject to OSS VAT in NetSuite. You can update your item records using CSV import or web services.

  3. Install the International Tax SuiteApp (Bundle ID 43003) if it is not yet in your account. This SuiteApp provides the OSS tax codes and tax types. To install the SuiteApp, see Installing and Setting Up International Tax Reports.

  4. On the Subsidiary page, check the MOSS Applies box.

  5. Assign an OSS nexus to the subsidiary.

    See Assigning an OSS Nexus to a Company or Subsidiary.

    In OneWorld accounts with the International Tax Reports SuiteApp, saving a subsidiary with an OSS nexus creates the OSS tax types and tax codes for the other 27 EU member states automatically. You can inactivate OSS tax codes for countries where you are sure you will not be getting orders from. If you expect sales from all EU countries, do not inactivate any OSS tax code so that the system can correctly calculate the VAT for digital services.

    In accounts that are not One-World, you create the OSS tax codes by editing a custom record and running a script provided by the International Tax Reports SuiteApp. For steps on how to edit the related custom record and to run the script, see OSS Tax Code Provisioning for Regular NetSuite Accounts.

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