Creating a Custom Blanket Purchase Order Approval Workflow

This section provides general instructions and guidelines when creating a custom Blanket Purchase Order Approval Workflow. You have to plan the customization to avoid breaking the flow of processing when changing the workflow components or reordering the sequence of actions. For instance, if a transition depends on the value of a field, you have to ensure that you correctly modify that field.

After creating your custom workflow, you have to disable the original Blanket Purchase Order Approval Workflow. To do so, change the release status to Not Running. When the original workflow has been disabled, you can now run your custom workflow by changing the release status to Released.

For more information, see Running the Blanket Purchase Order Approval Workflow.

To editing a state:

  1. To open a state page, double-click the state from the workflow diagram.

    Alternatively, click the state from the workflow diagram and then click the pencil icon.

  2. On the Workflow State page Actions subtab, next to the action you want to modify, click Edit.

  3. On the Workflow Action page, update the condition, trigger, parameters, or transfer the action to another state.

  4. To add a new action, on the Workflow State page, click New Action.

    For more information, see Working with Actions.

  5. To update a transition, on the Transitions subtab, next to the transition, click Edit.

    For more information, see Working with Transitions.

To reorder actions:

  1. To reorder an action, on the Workflow State page, drag and drop the action to a new position.

  2. Alternatively, On the Workflow State page, next to the action to be reordered, click Edit.

  3. On the Workflow Action page, in the Insert Before field, select the action that should follow after the other one.

For more information, see Reordering Actions.

To add a custom field:

  1. To create an instance field, on the Workflow Details pane, click the Workflow subtab.

    Custom fields (instance fields) or limited to a state (state fields), can be used across all states of a workflow.

  2. Click the Fields subtab.

  3. To define the properties of a new field, click New Workflow Field.

    You can also access this page from the Workflow page, by clicking the pencil icon on the Workflow subtab.

  4. On the Workflow page, click New Field.


    Do not edit or modify existing workflow fields with the [BPOAW] prefix.

To create a state field:

  1. From the workflow diagram double-click the state.

    Alternatively, on the navigation pane, click the pencil icon.

  2. On the State page, click the Fields subtab.

  3. Click New Field.

  4. On the Workflow State Field page, enter the new custom state field properties.

To modify an email notification:

  1. On the Workflow State page, click the Actions subtab.

    This procedure applies to states that send email notifications: Pending Approval, Approved, and Rejected state.

  2. Next to the action you want to modify, click Send Email.

  3. On the Workflow Action page, find the Content pane.

  4. You can update the text, font, or style Subject and Body fields.

  5. Click Save.

For more information, see Send Email Action.

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General Notices