Reordering Actions

The order of the workflow actions on the Actions subtab of the Workflow State window determines the order in which the actions executed for each trigger type. If two actions executed on the same trigger type, the first action listed on the subtab executed before the second, if the condition requirements are met.

Beginning in 2015.2, a set of rules was created to organize actions. This set of rules dictates how you can reorder actions within a state. For more information, see Ordering Actions.


For more information about the order of action execution within a state, see Action Triggers and SuiteFlow Trigger Execution Model

You can use two methods to reorder the actions. You can click the icon to the left of Edit Actions subtab of the Workflow State window and drag to reorder an action. Optionally, each workflow action includes the Insert Before property. You can use this property to reorder an action within a state.

To reorder actions:

  1. If you have not already done so, open the existing workflow that contains the actions that you want to reorder.

    See Viewing Existing Workflows or Workflow Searches.

  2. In the diagrammer, select the state that contains the actions that you want to reorder and click the Edit icon for the state in the context panel.

  3. Click the icon to the left of Edit for the action on the Actions subtab, and drag it to a new location. If you attempt to move an action to an inappropriate place in the action list, an error appears telling you where you can move the action within the list of actions.

  4. Optionally, to reorder an action with the Insert Before property, click Edit next to the action you want to reorder.

    On the Workflow Action window, select a new value for the Insert Before property, and click Save.

  5. Click Save.

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