Adding a Custom Date and Time Range on Record Pages Monitor

By default, Record Pages Monitor shows data for the last 24 hours. You can change the date range by selecting one of the preset filters or you can create a custom date range. To discover when an issue started, set the date range to a larger period.

The resolution value sets the plot point intervals on the x-axis of the data visualizations.

If you want to review performance for time periods other than those provided by the preset date and time range filters, create custom filters.

To add or remove a custom date and time range filter:

  1. Go to Customization > Performance > Record Pages Monitor.

  2. On the Record Pages portlet, point to the upper right corner.

    Icons appear.

  3. Click the More icon.

  4. Select Set up.

  5. On the Set up Record Pages window, click Custom Date and Time.

    • To add a custom filter, click Add Date and Time. Select a start date, start time, end date, and end time. Click Add.


      A custom date and time range filter cannot span more than 30 days.

    • To remove a custom filter that you added, click the X icon for the filter.

    • To remove all custom filters that you added, click Remove All.

  6. Click Save. The changes are reflected in the dropdown list for the date filter. Newly added custom filters are listed at the bottom of the list.

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