Filtering Performance Log Details

To set the filters for the performance log details, click the plus icon on the Filters section on the Page Time Summary page. Set the filters and click Refresh to update the values on the Page Time Summary page.

The following filters are available:



Record Type

The record type where the scripts were deployed. This field shows all scriptable record types.


The UI operation that triggered the script.

  • View – The script ran when the user clicked View on an existing record (beforeLoad).

  • Edit – The script ran when the user clicked Edit on an existing record (beforeLoad).

  • New – The script ran when the user clicked New to create a record (beforeLoad).

  • Save – The script ran when the user clicked Save or Submit (beforeSubmit), or the script ran after the user clicked Save or Submit (afterSubmit).


The email address of the user logged in when the script ran. If left blank, the search defaults to all email messages.

Start Date / End Date

Start Time / End Time

The date and time ranges of the search.

Response Time

The amount of time to run a record instance.

You can set the response time filter to greater than or less than a particular value, or between an upper and lower limit.

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