Deleting a Custom Segment’s Values

In some cases, you may need to delete one or more of a custom segment’s values. There are two ways to delete a segment’s values:

You cannot delete a value if that value has been saved on an instance of a record. If you try to delete this type of value, the system displays the following error: The segment value cannot be deleted because a child record exists.

As an alternative to deletion, consider making the value inactive.

If a period is closed, you cannot change custom segment values that impact GL on any transactions in the period.

Deleting Values Within the Custom Segment Definition

In some cases, you may have a set of permissions that includes the ability to edit the segment definition. In these cases, you can delete values by editing the segment’s Values sublist. One advantage of this approach is that you can view all values as you modify the list.

To delete a custom’s segment value from within the segment definition:

  1. Edit the custom segment.

  2. Locate the value you want to delete. Click anywhere in that row to enable a series of buttons.

  3. Click Remove.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Values by Clicking Manage Values

In some cases, you may not have permission to edit segments, but you do have permission to delete values for a segment. In these cases, to delete a value, you must open a page designed specifically for managing the value. You get to this page by viewing the segment definition and clicking the button labeled Manage Values.

To delete values by clicking Manage Values:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments.

  2. In the list, select the name of the segment for which you want to edit values.

    The system opens the segment definition in view mode.

  3. Click Manage Values. A list of the existing segment values appears.

  4. Locate the value you want to modify and click the corresponding Edit button.

  5. Point to the Actions label to display a popup menu.

  6. Click Delete.

    The system displays a message asking if you are sure you want to delete the record.

  7. Click OK.

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