Single Development Account Method

You can use an environment with a single development account to develop one version of a bundle at a time. A single development account is used for developing, testing, and releasing a SuiteApp.

The following diagram shows the process flow for the bundle development:



The following table describes the basic steps for developing a SuiteApp using the single development account method:

Step Number



Develop the customization in the develop account. Use Customization and SuiteScript to develop the customization. For more information, see Customize Your NetSuite Account.

Then, in the develop account, use the Bundle Builder to create a bundle with the customization. See Creating a Bundle with the Bundle Builder.


Install the bundle into the production account.

New versions of directly installed bundles can be propagated to other accounts by using one of the following methods:

  • Notifying administrators, who have installed your bundle, to manually update it from the Installed Bundles page. For more information, see Installed Bundle Updates.

  • Pushing updated bundles to the target accounts. This method requires that you have administrator access to the target accounts. For more information, see Pushing a Bundle to Other Accounts.

Single Development Account — Benefits and Drawbacks

The following table lists the benefits and drawbacks to this approach:



  • Size. Appropriate for smaller customization projects.

  • Release and update management. Release or update production-ready bundles.

  • Bug fixes. Difficult to release bug fixes for older versions of the bundle.

  • Future releases. If customers do not upgrade in a timely manner to the new version of a bundle, then the capability to jump versions during a future upgrade becomes problematic. For example, it may not be possible to upgrade from version 1.0 of a bundle to version 3.5 of the same bundle.

  • No difference between development and release. No decoupling of development and release environments. Changes to objects in a bundle in the development account are included in subsequent installations or updates by other accounts.

  • Consistency. No consistent copy of current release version of the bundle.

  • Changed objects affect bundle components. Any change to an object in a bundle affects the behavior of the bundle. So, a change to a single object in a bundle could be installed as an update.

  • No team development. Multiple developers need to work in the same environment.

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