Checkout Flows

SuiteCommerce supports three checkout flows which guide users through the same tasks in different orders. The checkout flow is defined at the domain, so you can configure different flows for each domain associated with a website.

Standard checkout (default) directs the user through the following pages:

  1. Shipping Address page – enter shipping address and delivery method

  2. Payment page – enter payment method and billing address

  3. Review page – review your checkout information and the contents of your cart before submitting the order

One Page checkout consolidates the information in the Standard checkout onto a single page:

  1. Checkout Information page – enter shipping address, delivery method, payment method, and billing address

  2. Review page – review your checkout information and the contents of your cart before submitting the order

Billing First checkout shows the billing address first:

  1. Billing Address page – enter billing address

  2. Shipping Address page – enter shipping address and delivery method

  3. Payment page – enter payment method and review billing address

  4. Review page – review your checkout information and the contents of your cart before submitting the order


If enabled, the Multiple Ship To feature changes the checkout flow. In that case, users select an address and delivery method for each shipment and then proceed to the payment methods page. See Multiple Ship To for more information.

To configure the checkout flow:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain you want to configure.

  3. On the Checkout tab, select a checkout flow from the Checkout Steps field.

  4. Click Save.


For pre-Vinson implementations, you need to do advanced customization of your application if you want to use an alternate checkout flow. See Customize the Checkout Application.

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