Filtering Issue Notifications Using Outlook Rules

Issue notification email messages contain a text field in the mail header explaining why you are receiving the notification. You can use this information to create filtering rules in Outlook, or similar email clients, to manage your incoming message flow.

There are seven notification reasons. An individual message header can contain one or more of them:

The following procedure is aimed at users of Outlook 2016. However, it is common to most email clients supporting rules creation.

To set up a rule in Outlook 2016 to filter issue notifications:

  1. Right-click on any message in the Inbox and select Rules > Create Rule.

  2. Select Advanced Options.

  3. Check the with specific words in the message header box.

    Screenshot of the Rules Wizard popup window in Outlook 2016.
  4. Click the specific words link in the box marked Step 2.

  5. Copy the required notification reasons from the list above, for example ASSIGNED_TEAM_MEMBER.

  6. Paste the notification reason into the Search Text box. Click Add.

  7. When you have finished adding required notification reason(s), click OK.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select what you want to do with the messages (for example move to a folder). Check the box and click Next.

  10. Specify any exceptions to this rule. Click Next.

  11. Edit the name for this rule. Select the Setup rule options, and click Finish.

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General Notices