Working with Related Issues

In NetSuite, you can specify relationship types or links between issues. For example, when the relationship type is set to Blocks or Is blocked by, you can search for an issue that blocks another issue. The relationship type is displayed on each issue in the relationship, as well as indicating which issue influences which. The type Relates to is an exception to this rule, as each issue can affect each other.

To define issue relationships:

  1. Go to Lists > Support > Issues.

  2. Click View next to the case you want to associate with an issue and edit the issue.

  3. On the Related Records subtab click Issues and add the wanted relationship.

  4. Select one of the following to attach an issue:

    • Select the issue number in the Issue field, and click Attach

    • Click New Issue to create an issue for this case in a new window. After you save the issue and return to the case record, click Attach to add the new issue record.

  5. Click Save.

The following relationship types are available:

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General Notices