Setting Up Issue Reproducibility

Use the Issue Reproducibility list to create new choices for the Reproduced field on issue records. Issue Reproducibility lets people working on the issue know where they can reproduce the issue and diagnose the problem.

To set up issue reproducibility:

  1. Go to Issues > Setup > Issue Reproducibility.

  2. On the Issue Reproducibility list, click the last row if it is not already selected. This row should be blank.

  3. In the Name column, enter a name for the reproducibility selection you want to add. For example, you may want to add a browser name where the issue can be reproduced.

    This name will be available to select in the Reproduced field on issue records.

  4. In the Description column, enter a brief description of what types of issues are reproduced in this manner. You can also enter how to reproduce issues in this manner.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Save.

To edit an existing issue reproducibility type, click the name of the reproducibility type to make it editable. Change the name or description, and then click Done. To delete a reproducibility type, click the name, and then click Remove.

You can rearrange issue reproducibility types to change how they appear in the Reproduced field on issue records. Click the name of a reproducibility type. Use the Move Up, Move Down, and Move to Top buttons to set their order.

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