Linking Issues with Cases

You can create or attach issue records on existing case records to associate issue resolution with case resolution. When you link issues with case records, support reps working with cases can see the progress of the related issue and keep the customer up-to-date.

To link issues with a case record:

  1. Go to Cases > Customer Service > Cases.

  2. Click Edit next to the case you want to associate with an issue.

  3. On the Related Records subtab.

  4. Choose one of the following to attach an issue:

    • Select the issue number in the Issue field, and click Attach

    • Click New Issue to create an issue for this case in a new window. After you save the issue and return to the case record, click Attach to add the new issue record.

  5. Click Save.

You can have a case close automatically when all attached issues are set to a base status of Closed. Go to Issues > Setup >Issue Preferences. Check the Automatically Close Linked Cases box.

Cases can only close automatically if they are in a status set to allow auto-closing with resolved issues. To set a status to allow auto-closure, edit the case status at Setup > Support > Setup Tasks > Case Statuses. Check the Auto Close With Issues box.


You enable automatic closure of linked cases and set the status of the case to allow auto-closure. The case also closes when all linked issues are removed.

For example, Wolfe Electronics has a case titled Can't Access Download. It is linked to issue 421, where several customers purchased a download but were unable to reach it in the Customer Center. The Can't Access Download case has a status of Waiting For Customer Response. It maintains this status during the time the support team verifies that this is the same problem documented in the issue. The Waiting For Customer Response status is not set to auto-close with issues. During the time the case is in this status, the issue is resolved and closed. The customer responds to let support know the problem is the same as the issue. The case status changes to Pending Issue Resolution, which is set to auto-close with issues. When the case status changes to Pending Issue Resolution, it is automatically changed to Closed-Issue Resolved. NetSuite changes the status because the only linked issue was already closed.

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