Quantity Pricing

This information refers to SuiteCommerce and the Elbrus release of SuiteCommerce Advanced or later.


Quantity Pricing feature relies on the Search API and is not available with SiteBuilder Extensions.

SuiteCommerce Advanced provides a Quantity Pricing feature for customers who offer quantity-based price breaks. This feature uses the Search API to return an item’s quantity pricing details from NetSuite (in JSON format) and display results in a chart describing the pricing discounts available by quantity ordered. This information is collapsed by default and available at the shopper’s request by clicking or tapping on a link.

Quantity Pricing Chart

Quantity pricing information is available to shoppers in the following areas of your website:

To enable this feature, you must perform the tasks detailed in Set Up Quantity Pricing in NetSuite.

To disable this feature, edit the distro.json file as described in Disable Quantity Pricing.

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