Setting Up Payment Processing Profiles for eWay Rapid

There are two ways to set up payment processing profiles for payer authentication through eWay Rapid.

Review the following guidelines for creating or updating eWay Rapid payment processing profiles:

Using a single payment processing profile

Before setting up a single payment processing profile, be sure that you have set up the following:

  1. Create the payment method for eWay Rapid Payer Authentication.

    Because payer authentication for eWAY Rapid redirects your shopper to a third-party website for authentication, you must create a payment method that enables external checkout on your web store. To create a payment method for eWay Rapid, see Creating Payment Methods for eWay Rapid.

  2. Remove duplicate payment methods from your web store.

    You must edit your existing credit card payment methods to ensure they are not displayed in your web store. You are going to use only one payment method that provides all the payment options. For more information, see Removing duplicate payment methods from your web store.

  3. Create an eWay Rapid payment processing profile.

    You can create a new profile or edit your existing eWay Rapid profile to add the payment method for payer authentication. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Payment Processing Profiles (Administrator). Do the following setup procedures when creating or editing an eWay Rapid profile for payer authentication:

    • In the Web Site field, choose the websites this processor is used to capture payment for.

    • In the Supported Payment Methods field, select the external checkout payment method that you created for payer authentication. For more information, see Creating Payment Methods for eWay Rapid.

For more information about creating profiles, see To add a new credit card processing profile:.

Using separate payment processing profiles

Use separate payment processing profiles for manual transactions and web store orders.

  1. Enable the required preferences.

    Before setting up your payment processing profiles, be sure to enable the Use Strict Rules for the Selection of Payment Processing Profiles preference. For more information about this preference, see Restricting Payment Processing Profiles by Customer Data. To review the complete requirements to set up payer authentication for eWay Rapid, see Setup Requirements for eWay Rapid Integration.

  2. Create an eWay Rapid payment processing profile for manual transactions.

    If you are going to use an existing eWay Rapid profile for manual transactions, be sure that no website is set up in the profile. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Payment Processing Profiles (Administrator), and then click the Edit link for the profile. On the profile page, in the Web Site field, deselect all options.

  3. Create an eWay Rapid payment processing profile for web store orders.

    As an Administrator, go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Payment Processing Profiles. Do the following setup procedures specific for eWay Rapid profiles for web store orders:

    • In the Web Site field, choose the websites this processor is used to capture payment for.

    • In the Supported Payment Methods field, select the external checkout payment method that you created for payer authentication. For more information, see Creating Payment Methods for eWay Rapid.

For more information about creating profiles, see To add a new credit card processing profile:.

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