Define Commerce Categories Basic Settings

Commerce categories are defined on the Commerce Categories page at Lists > Website > Commerce Categories. The basic settings for a commerce category are defined in the category header.

To add a Commerce Category:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Catalog & Categories > Commerce Categories > New.

  2. Enter the following information in the header:

    Field Name

    Field ID — SuiteCommerce Configuration




    Specify the name for the category. The name identifies the category in NetSuite and can be used publicly on the site in category navigation.



    Enter a description for the category. The description lets you supply additional information about the category.


    Select the catalog for this category. Remember the catalog determines the website for which this category is available. Each website can have only one assigned catalog.

    Primary Parent

    If you are creating a subcategory, then select the primary parent category to which this subcategory should be assigned. The new category is assigned as a subcategory for the parent category specified here. All subcategory override values are blank, but you can change them on the Subcategory subtab for the parent category record. See Create Subcategories for a Commerce Category for more information.

    Leave this field empty if you do not want to assign a primary parent category.

    When a subcategory is assigned to multiple parent categories, you create a scenario where duplicate content can be accessed through multiple URLs. For SEO best practice, the primary parent flag is used to build the canonical link tag which tells web crawlers that this is the preferred URL for accessing the content.

    Page Title


    Enter a title for the page. This value will populate the <title> element for an SCA category page. The value can also be used to populate the <title> element in a custom SSP application.



    This field lets you specify a heading to display at the top of the categories page. The page template must be configured to display the Heading. You can also use this field to display a heading for the category in your custom SSP application.

    Sequence Number


    The sequence number you specify here determines the order of categories in the Site Management Tools category list. If you use the Move option in Site Management Tools to reorder the category list, the sequence number on the Commerce Category record is automatically updated to reflect the new order of the categories.

    URL Fragment*


    The URL Fragment lets you specify the section of the URL that can be used to go to to the category page. If the category is a subcategory, then it is prepended with the URL fragments from all categories in that branch of the hierarchy.

    Enter the URL with no slashes, for example. For a category of shoes, enter shoes. In turn, the shoes category may be assigned as a subcategory of the category mens. If the mens category has a URL fragment of mens, the full URL to the shoes category page is /mens/shoes.

    URLs are case sensitive so be consistent with the way you specify URL fragments. Best practice suggests always entering URLs as lower case.

    For more detail on category URLs see Category URLs.

    Page Banner


    The page banner field lets you specify an image file in the file cabinet that can be displayed as the banner on a category page on an SCA site. The page template file must be configured to display the banner image. You can also use this information to display the banner in your custom SSP application.

    To display a page banner, visit the SC Configuration record and select the pagebannerurl field ID for Category Fields.

    Thumbnail Image


    The thumbnail image field lets you specify a file in the file cabinet to display as the thumbnail image for this category.

    To display a thumbnail image, visit the SC Configuration record and select the thumbnailurl field ID for Category Fields.

    Addition to <HEAD>


    The addition to head field lets you specify code such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to include between the <head></head> tags on this category page.

    Meta Keywords


    This field lets you specify the meta keywords for the page.

    Meta Description


    The description you enter here is an important SEO consideration. It is normally the description that is included on search results pages. See SEO and Meta Descriptions for best practice on writing meta descriptions.

    Sitemap Priority


    The value you enter here populates the <priority></priority> element in an XML sitemap. Valid values for the priority are 0.0 to 1.0. If no priority is set in the sitemap then the default priority of 0.5 is used. These priorities let you rank the importance of the pages on your site as they relate to each other. Search results pages may consider this ranking when presenting multiple pages from your site and order the pages based on the priority.

    Display in Web Site


    The Display in Web Site box lets you specify if a category should be available to visitors on your site. If the box is not selected, the category is not displayed on an SCA site.



    Mark a category as inactive when you want to prevent it from displaying on the website and also prevent any other activity from occurring with that category. For example, when a category is inactive, it cannot be assigned as a subcategory of another category. You cannot mark a category as inactive if it has subcategories assigned to it.


    When a category is marked inactive, it is omitted from the Commerce Categories list. To include inactive categories in the list, select the Show Inactives box on the categories list page.


    Required entries are marked with an *.

  3. Add any subcategories. See Create Subcategories for a Commerce Category for more information..

  4. Assign any items to the category. See Assign Items to a Commerce Category for more information.

  5. Click the Save button to save the category.

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General Notices