Acknowledging Fulfillment Requests

To start processing an order from a fulfillment request, you must first acknowledge the fulfillment request, by marking it as in progress. After you make a fulfillment request as in progress, its status changes to In Progress.

Note that a fulfillment request at a particular location might be for all items in a sales order or only some of the items in a sales order. You can view the original sales order by clicking the link under the Primary Information section in the fulfillment request.

If a fulfillment request has two or more lines, you can choose to acknowledge only some of the lines. Lines you do not mark for fulfillment are removed from the fulfillment request when you save. A new fulfillment request must then be created to ensure the remaining items in the order are fulfilled.


Acknowledging a fulfillment request is the same for both shipping orders and pickup orders.

To acknowledge a fulfillment request:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Manage Fulfillment Requests.

  2. In the Filters section, set your location as the fulfillment location.

  3. Click View next to the fulfillment request that you want to acknowledge. The fulfillment request must have the status New.

  4. Click Mark In Progress to confirm that you intend to fulfill all items in the fulfillment request.

    If you only want to acknowledge some of the lines in the fulfillment request, click Edit. In the Items subtab, check the Fulfill box next to each item you intend to fulfill. Clear the Fulfill box next to the line items you do not want to request.

  5. Click Save.

You can then start to fulfill the order – see Fulfilling Orders from Fulfillment Requests.

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