Setting Permissions to Use the France Chart of Accounts

The France Localization SuiteApp, by default, grants to a few standard roles the permissions to access the France Chart of Accounts and saved reports. For information about the roles that are given permissions to access the France Localization components, see Roles with Access to France Localization Features.

The Administrator must set the permissions for custom roles to access the France Chart of Accounts.

Using the France Chart of Accounts requires importing the template file to NetSuite. Therefore, you must also set the permissions to perform this action.

To set permissions for custom roles to access the France Chart of Accounts:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. In the Script column, click the Edit link of the FL SL CofA script.

  3. On the Audience subtab of the Script Deployment page, select the roles that you want to have access to the France Chart of Accounts. To select multiple roles, press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting the roles.

  4. Click Save.

For more information about executing scripts for a role, see Executing Scripts Using a Specific Role.

To set permissions to import the France Chart of Accounts CSV file:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.

  2. Click Customize next to the role that you want to be able to import the France Chart of Accounts.

  3. On the Permissions subtab, click Setup.

  4. In the Permission column, select Import CSV File, and Full in the Level column.

  5. Click Add.

  6. On the Lists subtab, select Accounts in the Permission column, and Edit in the Level column.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save.

For more information about setting permissions, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles and Setting Permissions.

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