Calculating a Payroll Batch

After you create a payroll batch and add employees to it, a Calculate button appears at the top of the page. The Calculate button remains available as you change payroll options, add employees to the batch, and remove paychecks from it. You can click Calculate after each change you make or wait until your changes are complete, and then calculate.

To calculate a payroll batch:

  1. In a payroll batch, click the Calculate button.

    NetSuite performs the calculation one paycheck at a time. During calculation, a message at the top of the page identifies the current paycheck being calculated.

  2. To refresh the Pending, Complete, and Error subtabs at the bottom of the page, click the linked labeled Click here. For more information, see Payroll Batch Subtabs.

  3. Verify the details of each paycheck to ensure its accuracy. If you make changes to paychecks or payment options, click Calculate to update related information.

For more information about editing a calculated payroll batch, see Editing Calculated Payroll Batches.

After you thoroughly review a calculated payroll batch, you can commit the payroll batch. For more information, see Committing a Payroll Batch.

Pausing Calculation

You can temporarily pause payroll batch calculations. When you pause calculation, NetSuite completes the calculation for the current paycheck. Then, refreshes the Pending, Complete, and Error subtabs to display the status at the point that the calculation paused.

To pause payroll batch calculation:

  1. While you are calculating a payroll batch, click the Pause button.

    While calculation is paused, the Payroll Batch status changes to Paused. You can perform the same actions when a batch is Paused as when it is Calculated.

  2. To resume calculation, beginning with the next paycheck record, click Calculate again.

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