Limiting Rules to Specific Line Items

You can create automatic location assignment rules that only apply to specific line items on a sales order. NetSuite only evaluates the rule when the line items have one or more of the specified attributes. If the line item does not have the specified attributes, the automatic location assignment engine skips to the next rule. You specify the attributes in a transaction saved search.

To use a line item saved search, under the Line Items section in the rule record, select the Filter by Saved Search option and then select the saved search.

If a suitable saved search is not in the dropdown list, you can create a new transaction saved search. Saved searches for location assignment rules must have a base set of criteria, as well as the criteria you want to use in the saved search. The base criteria are the following:

You or other employees in your organization may have previously created transaction saved searches that are valid saved searches for location assignment rules. If so, those saved searches are selectable in the Filter by Saved Search field. All saved searches that have the base criteria are displayed in the field regardless of whether they are public (the Public box is checked) or private.


If a saved search is changed by a user and the base criteria are removed or changed – which therefore makes the saved search invalid – the rule is skipped by the automatic location assignment engine.


If you use the automatic location assignment macro, rules that have a line item saved search are skipped if the item attributes match the saved search criteria. Other rules in the configuration are evaluated as normal.

To create a saved search for automatic location assignment rules:

  1. Go to List > Search > Saved Searches > New > New.

  2. Click the Transaction record type.

  3. In the Search Title field, enter a name to identify the search.

  4. Click the Criteria subtab to specify search criteria.

  5. In the Standard sublist, add the following filters:

    1. Main Line – Set the value of this filter to No. (When the you click Save, the Description appears as ‘is false’.)

    2. Type – In the Type field, select ‘any of’, and then select Sales Order from the list of transactions. (When you click Save, the Description appears as ‘is Sales Order’.)

  6. Add any other item filters you want to include as criteria for the saved search:

    1. In the Filter dropdown list, select Item Fields.... from the list of filters.

    2. In the Item Filter field, select an item attribute.

    3. Select the values of the attribute.


      The values for each item attribute and the way in which you select the values depend on the selected attribute. For example, when you select the Category attribute, you can choose one or more individual categories, but when you select the Is Available? attribute, you must choose between the values Either, Yes, or No.

  7. Click Save.

Saved searches you create for location assignment rules are available on the Saved Searches page in NetSuite. Users with access to the sales order transaction can use the saved search. To view all saved searches for which you have permission to access, go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches.

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