Resolving Fulfillment Exceptions

When there are pickup exceptions in a fulfillment request, you typically need to contact the customer to determine how to proceed with the order. Based on the customer's wishes, you can set instructions to either continue with fulfillment of the items or cancel fulfillment of the items on the order.

To resolve fulfillment exceptions, you must first identify the fulfillment requests that have exceptions requiring customer feedback. Then, you need to set fulfillment instructions on each line in the request.

Viewing Fulfillment Requests That Require Customer Feedback

The Pickup Hold field on a fulfillment request record indicates the status of the request as regards the fulfillment exceptions entered on it.


The status of the fulfillment request itself remains either New or In Progress irrespective of the Pickup Hold status.

To view fulfillment requests requiring customer feedback:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Manage Fulfillment Requests.

  2. Select a custom view that displays the Pickup Hold field.

    If a suitable custom view is not available, you can create one – see Viewing a List of Fulfillment Requests with Exceptions

  3. Filter the list to show fulfillment requests with the Pickup Hold field set to Customer Feedback Requested.

  4. Click View to open a fulfillment request.

After you identify the items for which a fulfillment request exception was entered, you contact the customer to explain the reason for the exception and to determine how to proceed with order fulfillment.

Setting Fulfillment Instructions on a Fulfillment Request

Fulfillment instructions indicate how to continue order fulfillment after receiving customer feedback. NetSuite offers two possible fulfillment instructions:

When a fulfillment request has exceptions, you must set fulfillment instructions on all line items in the fulfillment request, even if only one line item has an exception.

To set fulfillment instructions:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Manage Fulfillment Requests.

  2. Select a custom view that shows the Pickup Hold column.

  3. Click Edit next to the fulfillment request you want to work with.

  4. On the Items subtab, set the fulfillment instruction in the Instruction column of each line item to one of the following:

    • Fulfill

    • Do Not Fulfill


    You must set fulfillment instructions on all lines in the fulfillment request to ensure the pickup hold status is updated.

  5. Click Save.

When all line items in the fulfillment request have a fulfillment instruction, NetSuite sets the pickup hold status of the fulfillment request to Customer Feedback Received. Store employees can then view all fulfillment requests with customer feedback and confirm the instruction to continue processing the orders.


If no lines in the fulfillment request have been picked, you can cancel the fulfillment request by clicking the Cancel Request button.

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