Confirming Fulfillment Exceptions

After fulfillment instructions are set on the fulfillment request (see Setting Fulfillment Instructions on a Fulfillment Request), you can continue processing an order. If the instruction on a line is set to Fulfill, you continue preparing the item for pickup by the customer. If the instruction is Do Not Fulfill, the line is rejected and you do not need to prepare the item for pickup.


A line is defined as rejected when the rejected quantity (in the Rejected column) is the same as the requested quantity (in the Quantity column) on the Items subtab.

To finish the fulfillment exception workflow, you must acknowledge the fulfillment instructions received. When you acknowledge all lines in a request, NetSuite sets the pickup hold status to Instructions Acknowledged. You can then filter out completed requests on the Fulfillment Requests page and view reports based on the pickup hold status. You must acknowledge instructions on all lines, regardless of whether the instruction is Fulfill or Do Not Fulfill, otherwise the pickup status remains as Customer Feedback Received.

To view fulfillment requests with fulfillment instructions entered, you must display a list of fulfillment requests that have the pickup hold status set to Customer Feedback Received. See Viewing a List of Fulfillment Requests with Exceptions for information about showing additional fields in the fulfillment requests list.

To confirm fulfillment instructions:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Manage Fulfillment Requests.

  2. Select a custom view that shows the Pickup Hold column.

  3. Click Edit next to the fulfillment request (with pickup hold status of Customer Feedback Received) you want to work with.

  4. Click the Items subtab.

  5. Check the box in the Acknowledge Instruction column for all line items.

    • If the Instruction column is set to Fulfill, you can continue preparing the order for the customer for pickup.

    • If set to Do Not Fulfill, you do not need to pick the item. If the item is already picked, you can restock it.

  6. Set the value of the Pickup Hold field in the header section to Instructions Acknowledged.

  7. Click Save.

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