Viewing System Notes


This topic applies to System Notes only. For information about viewing System Notes v2, see Viewing System Notes v2.

You can view history details of a script record or script deployment record in System Notes.

To view System Notes of a script or script deployment record:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts to find a script record or go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments to find a script deployment record.

  2. Locate the record you want to view and click View.

  3. Click the System Notes subtab. The history details are included on this subtab.

System Notes show the following information:


If you execute a scheduled script through Save & Execute or using the scheduling function, the SET BY field will show “System”.

If you execute a scheduled script from a Suitelet (not available externally), RESTlet, or User Event script, the SET BY field will show the user who triggered the script. This user will be also shown as the user who created or modified any record created or modified by the scheduled script.

If you execute a scheduled script from a Suitelet available externally (Available Without Login), an error will be thrown: You do not have privileges to perform this operation.

For more information about system notes, see System Notes Overview.


In previous releases, details about these records was listed on its History subtab. However, that subtab is no longer updated. New activity is captured on the record’s System Notes subtab.

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