Recalculate Percent Complete Override

A new action is available on project status records to enable automatic percent complete recalculation.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Using the Percent Complete Override Subtab.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:


Corresponding UI Button

Recalculate % Complete Override

Action Description

A new action is available on the Project Revenue Rules record to enable automatic percent complete recalculation. Check the Percent Complete Automatic Recalculation box to prompt NetSuite to recalculate the percent complete every eight hours for projects with this status. For the In Progress project status, this box is checked by default. You can also manually trigger a percent complete override recalculation from the Actions menu at the top of project records.

For more information, see Using the Percent Complete Override Subtab.


No return object

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For additional information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.



Supported Script Types

The Recalculate Percent Complete Override record is supported in client and server SuiteScript.

The user events are not supported.

Supported Functions

The recalculate action performs simple SQL updates of sublist.

Code Samples

The following sample shows how your customers can call the action API that you are exposing.

          require(['N/action'], function(actionMod) {  
    // client side example
    actionMod.find.promise({recordType: 'job', recordId: 1}).then(function(actions) {
        actions.recalculatepercentcompleteoverride.promise().then(function(result) {
            console.log("Percent complete override machine has been updated.");
    // server side example
    var result = actionMod.execute({id: 'recalculatepercentcompleteoverride', recordType: 'job', params: {recordId: 1}});


Related Topics

General Notices