Sending Newsletters Through Email Campaigns

You can use email marketing campaigns to send email newsletters to your customers, contacts, and others with whom you do business. Email marketing campaigns track behavior and revenue results from your communication.

You could use the Mail Merge feature, however, email campaigns offer additional functionality. For example, responses that tell you whether recipients opened your newsletters and if they clicked links in the email. You can also track revenue through the lead source of the newsletter campaign.

Best Practices

To maximize the impact of your newsletter:

How to Set Up Your Newsletter Campaign

To set up the campaign used to distribute your newsletter:

  1. Choose where you want to host your articles. If you host them on your NetSuite website, they can be shared through social media and indexed by search engines.

  2. Create your newsletter with an HTML editor and save in NetSuite it as a marketing template. See Marketing Templates.

  3. Create the target group for the newsletter. You may want to send it to both customers and their contacts. See Creating Target Groups for Campaigns.

  4. Create an email campaign with your template and recipient groups. If you send it to both a contact group and a customer group, you must schedule two separate email events on the campaign. See Scheduling Campaign Events.

  5. Set the time and date for delivery, and set the status of the events to Execute. See Initiating Campaign Events.

You can use campaign reports to refine your marketing, based on the results of your campaign. For example, you can remove invalid email addresses (that trigger bounced responses). For more information, see Bounced Email.

You can also use these campaign responses in lead nurturing campaigns and have sales reps follow up with clients for upsell opportunities. See Lead Nurturing Campaigns.

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General Notices