Calculating ASA

There are two ways to calculate alternate sales amounts:

For example, a line item is set to the following:

NetSuite calculates ASA as the months remaining in the first year divided by the term in months multiplied by the sales amount. For example, (10/24) * $2400. The ASA is $1000. NetSuite uses the Rev. Rec. Start Date field to determine the first year revenue term, 3/1/2019 to 12/31/2019, or 10 months. For information on the Rev. Term in Months field, see Revenue and Expense Recognition Overview.


If you add a discount line item after a line item with a 0 ASA, NetSuite does not apply the discount to the ASA. If the alternate sales amount field of the discount line item is empty, NetSuite applies the discount to the transaction ASA. If you change the alternate sales amount on a discounted line item, you may need to reapply the discount to ensure the correct ASA.

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