Basing Commission on ASA

With the Alternate Sales Amount feature, two new commission types are available on commission schedules: Alt. Sales Amount and Quota (Alt. Sales Amount).

Commission schedules based on ASA are similar to schedules based on sales. Commission schedules based on Quota (ASA) generate commission on the percentage of ASA quota met.

The commission preferences at Setup > Sales > Sales Management > Commissions include a preference called Default ASA Collections Eligibility Type. Use this preference to define the default commission eligibility on ASA-based schedules as follows:

For example, a sales order has a total of $1,000. The alternate sales amount is $500. The commission amount for this transaction is 10% of the ASA, or $50. A payment of $400 is received on the order.

First In – The $400 payment counts towards the ASA, making 80% ($400/$500), or $40, eligible for commission payment.

Percent of Order – The $400 payment is 40% of the order total, so 40%, or $20, of the calculated commission is eligible.

Whichever Is Greater – $40 is eligible because counting the payment towards the ASA gives a greater eligible amount.

Whichever Is Less – $20 is eligible because counting the payment as a percentage of the order total gives a smaller eligible amount.

For more information on creating commission schedules, see Creating an Employee Commission Schedule.

Sales orders and return authorizations include an Exclude Commissions check box. Check this box to exclude the transaction from commission calculations.

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