Assigning Leads

In NetSuite, you can set up rules and territories that automatically assign leads to the proper sales representatives. This automatic assignment is called lead routing.

For more information about setting up lead routing and lead management see Lead Routing and Setting Up Lead Management

If you want to skip or override the automatic assignment, you can edit a lead record and assign a specific representative.

To manually assign a sales representative to a lead:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Leads.

  2. Click Edit next to the lead you want to assign to a specific representative.

  3. Assign the sales representative as follows:

    1. If your company uses custom forms, make sure the Custom Form field is set to Standard Lead Form.

    2. In the Sales Rep field, select a specific sales representative.

      If you use the Team Selling feature, you select the sales representative on the Sales Team subtab.

  4. Click Save.

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