Lead Routing

Lead routing is the process of assigning leads to the appropriate sales representative or sales team.

During setup of sales force automation (SFA), administrators create sales rules and group them into sales territories. These sales rules can include criteria for customer status that you can use for lead routing. For more information, see Setting Up SFA.

For more information about sales teams and sales territories, see Team Selling and Sales Territories.

Routing Qualified Leads

Your inside sales team, or others who perform lead qualification, can select Reassign Using Territories in the Sales Rep field on qualified leads. This option assigns leads according to your sales territories and ensures that leads are properly assigned.

Automated Lead Routing Options

If your company periodically updates lead, prospect, and customer assignments through sales territories, you can manually choose the Sales Rep from the list or use the following options when you set up territories:

  • Keep Current Sales Rep – This option lets you maintain the sales representative or team selected on lead, prospects, or customer records.

    For example, if you use scripting to apply sales rules and territories, you can choose to not reassign records that meet certain sales rules.

  • Clear Sales Rep Assignment – This option lets you remove the assigned representative or team from leads, prospects, and customers who meet the territory's criteria.

    For example, you want all leads that were not addressed in the last month to be reassigned. To do this, clear the Sales Rep field so your sales team can manually reassign them.

You can select the Sales Rep or one of these options in the Sales Rep column on the Lead Assignment subtab of the Sales Territory page. For information about reassigning leads, see Reassigning Customers to Sales Territories.

When you convert a lead, the Reassign Using Territories option is available for selection in the Sales Rep field. When you submit the lead record, the record is reassigned to a sales representative based on your sales territories.

If you have the Team Selling feature enabled on your account, see Associating Sales Teams with Customers and Transactions on how to associate a sales teams with lead, sales transactions, prospect, and customer records.

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