Split Partner Commission

If you use both the Partner Commissions/Royalties and the Multi-Partner Management features, you can divide the commission earned on a transaction between all partners on a transaction.

A partner's contribution percentage determines how much of the calculated commission for a transaction is earned by a partner. For example, according to a partner's commission plan, the partner earns 10% of a transaction total. The total for the transaction is $10,000. The partner splits the commission evenly with another partner on the deal. Their contribution percentage is 50%. Each partner earns $500 on the deal ($10,000 x 10% x 50%).

NetSuite determines the commission generated by a transaction independently by each partner's commission plan. After the commission amount is determined, NetSuite applies the contribution percentage to determine the portion of the commission earned by the partner.

In the example above, the commission generated for the partner is 10% of $10,000. Their contribution percentage entitled them to 50% of what they would have earned had they been the only rep on the transaction. The other partner's commission plan indicates that they would earn 15% of the transaction total. Because their contribution percentage is 50%, they earn $750 on the same deal ($10,000 x 15% x 50%).

For more information on Multi-Partner Management, see Setting Up the Multi-Partner Management Feature.

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