Fulfillment Workflow Charts

Your fulfillment workflow will be different depending on whether the Advanced Shipping feature or the Fulfillment Request is enabled. When fulfilling an order without the Advanced Shipping feature, you fulfill and bill sales orders at the same time. When the feature is enabled, you first fulfill the sales orders, and then you bill the sales orders.

Sales Order Fulfillment Workflow without Advanced Shipping

In a sales order fulfillment workflow without advanced shipping, you fulfill and bill a sales order in a single transaction.

Flowchart showing sequence of steps in the sales order fulfillment process (without advanced shipping)

Sales Order Fulfillment Workflow with Advanced Shipping

In a sales order fulfillment workflow with advanced shipping, you fulfill a sales order and bill a sales order in separate transactions.

Flowchart showing sequence of steps in the sales order fulfillment process (with advanced shipping)

Sales Order Fulfillment with Fulfillment Requests

In a sales order fulfillment with fulfillment requests workflow, you first create a sales order. You then request fulfillment of the sales order. A fulfillment request (FR) is an intermediate step between the sales order and the item fulfillment that lets retail locations in your organization better manage their order fulfillment process. After you confirm the request to fulfill the sales order, you then fulfill the order. If one or more lines in the request cannot be fulfilled, you can reject the request.

See Fulfillment Requests for more information.

Flowchart showing sequence of steps in the sales order fulfillment process (with fulfillment requests)

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