Printing Shipping Labels

If you have not enabled the Shipping Label Integration feature, NetSuite provides an alternative process for printing shipping labels.

If you have enabled Shipping Label Integration, you can use the following procedure to print shipping labels for orders shipped by carriers you do not integrate with, or for orders shipped using a non-integrated shipping item.

To print shipping labels:

  1. Go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.

  2. Click Shipping Labels.

  3. Enter the first label number to begin printing in the Starting Label field.

    Standard labels print in sheets of six. If the first label sheet has less than six, select the first available label to start printing.

  4. From the list of orders, check the box next to each label you want to print.

    The number 1 automatically appears in the Count column. .

  5. To print multiple copies of a label, change the number in the Count column for that label.

  6. To print labels for the selected transactions again, check the Allow Reprinting box.

  7. Select a label form to use a customized label form, in Shipping Label Form.

  8. Click Print.

    If you did not enable the Download PDF Files preference at Home > Set Preferences page, a preview of your labels opens in the default Adobe application.

    If you enable the Download PDF Files preference, save your labels and then open them with the Adobe application.

  9. Place your labels in your printer tray.

  10. In the Adobe application frame, click the printer button.

  11. Click OK.

If you receive a printing error, repeat the steps for printing above.

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