Item Fulfillments and Multiple Shipping Routes

The Multiple Shipping Routes feature enables you to ship items fulfilled for the same sales order to multiple places by multiple carriers.

After you fulfill a sales order with multiple shipping routes, an item fulfillment is generated for each address. The shipping address and the corresponding shipping method for each order is displayed in the list of sales orders for fulfillment. Each shipping route represents a pending item fulfillment. NetSuite displays a line in the fulfillment queue for each route.

On a sales order with multiple shipping routes, click Fulfill to prompt the following:

If a sales order has multiple drop ship lines and multiple shipping routes, the system creates a separate purchase order for each shipping route and vendor combination.

A picking ticket is generated for each shipping route. Since the Print Picking Tickets queue displays a separate line for each shipping route, the same order can appear multiple times in the list.

To learn more, see Printing a Picking Ticket.

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