Bank Account Register

A bank account register lists all transactions for a particular bank account. These transactions include liquid assets such as cash.

All cash accounts are treated as bank accounts, even if you do not keep money for that account in a bank. For example, a petty cash account is created as a bank account. Any transaction that takes money from, or adds money to, petty cash appears as a line item on the petty cash account register. In NetSuite, cash transactions are recorded on the Write Checks page.

You can use a bank account register to track and manage bank transactions, and to reconcile the account. During the reconciliation process, you can check the box in the cleared column next to transactions that have gone through, but do not yet appear on the statement. To reconcile a transaction that appears on a statement, click Reconcile in the Reconciled Date column. Reconciled transactions are automatically marked as Cleared. If a transaction was reconciled, the reconciliation date shows next to the Cleared (Clr) column.

To view a bank account register:

A Bank Register report is available at Reports > Banking/Budgeting > Bank Register. See Bank Register Report. This report combines data from all bank accounts and offers more display options than the register. It is intended to be used for presentation rather than for managing and editing transactions.

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