A/R Aging Summary Report

The A/R Aging Summary report summarizes unpaid invoices and statement charges in accounts receivable, grouped by customer and billing period. For each customer who owes money, the report shows what the customer owes for the current billing period and what they haven't paid from previous billing periods.

The 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and >90 columns show overdue balances from previous billing periods. These aging periods are defined using the Interval and Duration fields.

You can use the A/R Aging reports to identify where collection efforts should be concentrated. Because accounts receivable directly affect your company's cash, close attention should be paid to customers that are extending the time it takes to collect your accounts receivable. The longer accounts are left unpaid, the more likely it is that you cannot collect on that account. A large number of overdue amounts may signal that your business needs to tighten credit policies toward new and existing customers.


If an accounts receivable does not have a customer or project (for example, if you do not enter a customer on the accounts receivable record), the amount for this accounts receivable entry appear in the No Customer/Project line on the A/R Aging Summary report.

You may change the interval of your aging buckets by entering a new value in the Interval field located in the footer of this report. You also may change the duration. To change the duration, click the double-arrow beside the Interval field to see the Duration field and enter the desired duration. Then, click Refresh to reflect the changes.


The Receivables key performance indicator (KPI) can be added to your dashboard to provide at-a-glance views of totals from this report. For more information about KPIs, see Setting Up the Key Performance Indicators Portlet.

To view the A/R Aging Summary report:

Go to Reports > Customer/Receivables > A/R Aging.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the report from loading.


If the Consolidated Payments feature is enabled, the A/R Aging report shows the un-consolidated balance for each subcustomer. Amounts are totaled for each customer-subcustomer hierarchy, which permits you to see the consolidated balances. For details about this feature, see Consolidated Payments.

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