Receivables by Customer Report

The Receivables by Customer Report displays open receivables balances by customer for invoiced receivables.

Perform a manual reconciliation to get the breakdown of the revaluation amount related to unbilled receivables account by customer. For details about how the unbilled receivables balance is created, see Reclassifying Deferred Revenue for Revenue Commitments.

This report is available when the Revenue Commitments feature is enabled and is compatible with all historical recognition methods. For information about the Revenue Commitments feature, see Creating Revenue Commitments.

You can use this report as part of your credit management and receivables collections processes. The report includes the following fields: customer name, unbilled receivables open balance, and accounts receivable open balalnce.

To see the Receivables by Customer report:

Go to Reports > Customer/Receivables > Receivables by Customer.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the report from loading.

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