Completing a Reconciliation at a Later Time

You can begin an account reconciliation and then resume at a later time. NetSuite preserves the reconciliation until you return to save it or save and print it.

To preserve a reconciliation for completion at a later time, make note of the date in the Statement Date field, then click Complete Later on the Reconcile Bank Statement or Reconcile Credit Card Statement page. When you resume the reconciliation for the bank or credit card account, enter the noted date in the Statement Date field, if necessary. The transactions that were originally marked reconciled are also marked cleared. In the Reconcile column, continue reconciling transactions. When you complete the reconciliation, click Save or Save & Print. You can also click Complete Later if you must again resume reconciliation at a later time.


You can preserve only one reconciliation for completion at a later time. When you go back to Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Bank Statement or Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Credit Card Statement, the preserved reconciliation reappears. If you make changes to the preserved reconciliation including changes to dates and then click Complete Later again, NetSuite deletes the previously preserved reconciliation and replaces it with the updated reconciliation. If you change the account from that of the preserved account reconciliation, NetSuite displays a message indicating that the preserved reconciliation is erased and all work is lost.

Be aware that transactions marked reconciled are not reconciled until you save the reconciliation, even though the transactions in the account register show the Reconciled Date as the noted date from the Statement Date field on the Reconcile Account Statement page.

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