Amortization Forecast Detail

The Amortization Forecast Detail report shows the deferred expense amounts at the line item level. When you set the Column report footer to Accounting Period, expense amounts to be amortized are displayed for each period of the date range you select.

You can use this report to view the total deferred expense at the line item level and when that expense is scheduled to be recognized.


Amortization reports can only be run by period. If you set the Report by Period preference to Never, the setting is ignored when running this report.

You must have the Reports permission Amortization Reports to view this report.

For information about using Report Builder to customize this report, see Report Customization.

To view this report:

  1. Go to Reports > Financial > Amortization Forecast > Detail.

  2. Select a value in the Period filter.

    The From and To values update automatically.

  3. Use these additional filters as needed:

    • If you have a OneWorld account, select a value in the Subsidiary Context filter to access different subsidiaries.

    • If you are using multi-book accounting, select a value in the Accounting Book filter to access different accounting books.

    • In the Column list, select Accounting Period to add columns showing the amounts planned for each period in your date range.

    • To show forecast amounts, clear the Is Recognized box. If the Is Recognized box is not visible, click More icon in the footer of the Amortization Forecast report to show the box.

  4. Click Refresh to apply your filters.

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