Viewing, Editing, and Deleting a Supply Plan

After you generate supply plans for an item, you can review the plans to verify the quantities suggested for replenishment. This review enables you to identify items that may need a higher or lower quantity ordered than is calculated by NetSuite. You can change these quantities on the supply plan, and the corresponding order you create will match the quantities indicated on the supply plan.


Time-Phased Planning is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Supply Planning (MRP).

For example, on June 1st, you used a demand plan for Deluxe Widgets to generate a supply plan. NetSuite suggests that you order an additional 100 units on July 1 to replenish stock. Today is June 30th and you think you may need more widgets for a last-minute order that might arrive. You can edit the supply plan to show a quantity of 150 Deluxe Widgets. The correct amount appears on the Order Items page when you are ready to place the order.

Screenshot of the Item Supply Plan page.

To view or edit a supply plan:

  1. Go to Transactions > Demand Planning > Item Supply Plan > List.

  2. Next to a supply plan listed, do one of the following:

    • Click View to see the existing plan.

    • Click Edit to make changes to the existing plan.

  3. The item, location, and unit of measure are displayed for reference but cannot be changed.

  4. You can edit the Memo field if needed. Text you enter here can be searched for later.

  5. Enter an Order Date. This is the transaction date used for purchase orders or work orders created.

  6. Enter a Receipt Date. This is the date you expect the goods to be received into the warehouse.

  7. In the Order Type field, select the means of generating more stock. This can be by purchase order or by work order, depending on the item.

  8. The Quantity field displays the suggested number to replenish. You can enter a larger or smaller number to buy or create another amount of the item.

  9. When viewing a plan, the Order Created field shows whether the order has been created.

  10. Click Save.

To delete a plan:

  1. In the Supply Plan list, beside the plan you want to delete, click Edit.

  2. On the Supply Plan page under More Actions, click Delete.

Related Topics

Setting Up Demand Planning
Demand Planning on Item Records
Calculating Item Demand
Monitoring the Demand Plan Status
Viewing, Editing, and Deleting a Demand Plan
Manually Entering an Item Demand Plan
Creating Item Supply Plans
Monitoring the Supply Plan Status
Manually Entering an Item Supply Plan
Creating Orders from Supply Plans
Reporting on Demand Planning
Distribution and Demand Planning
Demand Planning and Inventory Allocation
Time Fences
Planning Action Messages
Demand Planning

General Notices